Power of Mistakes

mistake /mɪˈsteɪk/ : an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong.

A mistake can be taken in two ways, either the one which helps you or the one which hinders you. What you choose it to be will be the one to lead you. I will be going through a few points which will give you some insights on what my thoughts are.

What would happen if mistakes didn’t exist?

Humans become robots? (Image Source)

Imagine a city with a lot of roads and has many cars moving. Let’s say all these cars are from a single company and not operated by humans, but have their whole mind in some remote place and all of them are in sync that they maintain every rule on the road.

Doesn’t it look like machines taking over everything? That is how it might be when no mistake exists. It would feel like everything is perfect.

  • There would be no accidents
  • There would be no war
  • There would be no diseases
  • There would be no bullying ….. and the list continues

There are many advantages to this. But, does it make one a human? does it make one a machine? The answer is no for both because there is nothing perfect, it includes machines too.

If you are the one who believes machines make no mistakes, then ask yourself if you ever faced any trouble with a machine? The answer would be yes.

Let’s remember a famous Quote “There is nothing known as Perfect” - Albert Einstein

Does it mean we just have to keep making mistakes? It’s partially Yes and partially No.

Making mistakes

There are many examples on our daily basis of the mistakes we make. Below are some of the mistakes I have encountered.

  • Forget a “;” while writing a code
  • Connecting mobile to the charger and not switching it on
  • Hitting car to some vehicle
  • Sending mail to a wrong person
  • Making a Maggi without sufficient water
  • Wearing shoe without socks
  • Being late to class ….. and many more

The list keeps on going if we sit and write our mistakes because they come in many sizes and many forms.

The above points show us that most people makes mistakes. Then why should we have to worry about our mistakes? The answer lies in the very mistake itself.

The mistakes are the one which teaches you which path you have to take. These questions might answer it.

  • Did you learn to walk without falling?
  • Did you learn to drive without hitting another vehicle?
  • Did you learn to swim without drowning?
  • Did you learn to dance without missing the beat?
  • Did you learn to play games without losing?

Answer to all of the questions will be “No”. It is because one learns something every time they make a mistake.

Learning from our mistakes

There is an example which happens most of the times when your parents ask you not to do something (the one which you didn’t know before), you will of course plan on doing the same thing. It is because you want to experience that too, then learn from it.

This happens because when you make a mistake, it is an experience for you which you will never forget and you learn quickly from it. Next time you get the same problem, you know what to do.

There is a quote where my friend uses it many times - “Life is all about Experiences”

It precisely says that whatever experience we face in our life will make us better. One makes a mistake, it is an experience. One does not make a mistake, it is still an experience. You learn from whatever you do, whether it be a mistake or no. It all depends on one’s decision whether to be depressed on something which went wrong or whether to learn from their mistake and keep growing.

Do every mistake(known/unknown)?

You might think, we have to make a mistake to learn something. But, the answer is “No”. To demonstrate it, let’s take an example. What if someone says “Don’t jump from the top of the building, you might get hurt”, we don’t right away rush to the top of the building and jump as to get an experience. Because we know that we might as well be dead if we do that. That was not an experience, but how did we learn it? It was of course an experience, but someones. This is an example of you learning from others mistakes.

This very well explains the question that we don’t have to make every mistake to learn from it.

The above example doesn’t end here yet. What if a person wants to jump from a top of the building or even from much more altitude? There wouldn’t be any invention of a “Parachute” if this thought would not have crossed one’s mind. Just getting the thought was not enough, it was successful after many failures(caused by mistakes). In the end, it depends on how one makes good use of the mistakes.

There would be nothing you are seeing around, if not for mistakes. So, keep making mistakes and learn from them.

I would like to conclude this by giving a statement.

“Yes, you made a mistake, but it’s okay; nobody’s perfect”

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